About us

Late. Ad. Mahadeo Govind

Late. Dr. Sir Ramkrishna Gopal

Late. Mr. Shankar Pandurang

Late. Mr. Vaman Abaji
स्वातंत्र्यपूर्व काळात स्त्री शिक्षणाची गरज ओळखणाऱ्या समाजाला स्त्री शिक्षणाशिवाय पर्याय नाही अशा विचारांच्या काही समाजसुधारकांनी सोमवार दिनांक २९ सप्टेंबर १८८४ रोजी हायस्कूल फॉर नेटिव्ह गर्ल्स या संस्थेची स्थापना केली. सर विल्यम वेडरबर्न, न्या. महादेव गो. रानडे, रा. गो. भांडारकर, शंकर पांडुरंग पंडित, वामन आबाजी मोडक यांच्या पुढाकाराने संस्थेची सुरुवात झाली. २ ऑक्टोबर १८८४ पासून दाणे आळीतील वाळवेकरांच्या वाड्यात नियमितपणे वर्ग सुरु झाले. पहिल्या दिवशी पटावर १८ विद्यार्थिनी होत्या. आठच दिवसात ४५ मुलींची नावे पटावर नोंदली गेली. सरदार किबे वाड्यात काही वर्ग सुरु झाले.
४ मार्च १८८५ रोजी सांगलीचे चीफसाहेब श्रीमंत धुंडिराज चिंतामण उर्फ तात्यासाहेब पटवर्धन यांनी ९९ वर्षाच्या कराराने लक्ष्मी रोड वरील जागा देऊ केली. कालांतराने संस्थेने ही जागा विकत घेतली. ४ मार्च १८८५ रोजी शाळेच्या इमारतीची कोनशीला सर जेम्स फर्गसन यांच्या हस्ते बसविण्यात आली. इ. स. १८८७ मध्ये संस्थेचे महाराष्ट्र फीमेल एज्युकेशन सोसायटी असे नामकरण करण्यात आले. पुण्यात हुजूरपागा हायस्कूल सुरु झाले. कालांतराने संस्थेचे नाव बदलून सद्ध्या असलेले महाराष्ट्र गर्ल्स एज्युकेशन सोसायटी असे नामकरण करण्यात आले. हळूहळू लक्ष्मी रोडवरील या वास्तूमध्ये संस्थेने वेगवेगळ्या शाळांची निर्मिती केली. सन १९०७ मध्ये वसतिगृहाची इमारत बांधली गेली. सन १९७८ मध्ये प्राथमिक शाळेची इमारत बांधली गेली. दिनांक २/१०/१९८२ रोजी प्राथमिक विभागाला रँग्लर र. पु. परांजपे प्राथमिक शाळा असे नाव देण्यात आले. तसेच सन २००१ मध्ये लक्ष्मी रोड येथे हुजूरपागा वाणिज्य महाविद्यालयाचीही स्थापना झाली.
संस्थेने सन १९९१ मध्ये कात्रजमध्ये एक शाखा सुरु केली. प्रथम सन १९९१ मध्ये केवळ शिशुमंदिराची स्थापना झाली, त्यानंतर सन १९९३ मध्ये प्राथमिक, १९९६ मध्ये माध्यमिक व २००४ मध्ये उच्च माध्यमिक विभाग कात्रजला सुरु झाले. २०११ मध्ये कात्रज उच्च माध्यमिक विभागात Vocational Courses (MCVC) सुरु झाले.
पटावर १८ विद्यार्थिनींपासून सुरु झालेल्या महाराष्ट्र गर्ल्स एज्युकेशन सोसायटी, हुजूरपागा संस्थेच्या वेगवेगळ्या विभागांमध्ये सध्या सुमारे १०,००० विद्यार्थिनी शिक्षण घेत आहेत. समाजामध्ये उत्तम नागरिक, जबाबदार व्यक्ती, सक्षम, स्वावलंबी महिला तयार होण्यासाठी सर्व विभागांमध्ये उत्तम शिक्षण दिले जाते. काळाची गरज ओळखून बदलत्या परिस्थितीतील आव्हाने पेलण्यासाठी जून २०१० पासून संस्थेने लक्ष्मी रोड येथे व जून २०११ पासून कात्रज येथे इंग्रजी माध्यमाची शाळादेखील सुरु केली. इंग्रजी माध्यमाच्या शाळा सुरु करूनदेखील मराठी माध्यमाच्या विद्यार्थी संख्येवर अजिबात परिणाम झाला नाही. त्यामुळे सर्वांनी इंग्रजी माध्यम वर्गाला खुल्या दिलाने अनुमोदन दिले.
आज समाजात हुजूरपागेच्या अनेक नामवंत विद्यार्थिनी मोठ्या प्रमाणात शाळेचा ठसा उमटवीत आहेत. साहित्य, कला, शिक्षण, अभिनय, गायन, संशोधन, राजकारण, समाजकारण, पत्रकारीता अशा सर्वच क्षेत्रांमध्ये संस्थेच्या विद्यार्थिनी चमकत आहेत, याचा संस्थेला अभिमान वाटतो.
About M.G.E. Society
In pre-independence era, some eminent social reformers from Pune felt the need to educate women who constitute nearly fifty percent population of the country. They had realized that the society will not progress unless opportunity to enter formal education is extended to women. The same thought came into reality on 29th September 1884, when some like-minded reformers like Justice M. G. Ranade, R. G. Bhandarkar, Shankar Pandurang Pandit and Waman Abaji Modak came together to establish High School for Native Girls. The school commenced its activities on 2nd October 1884 in Walwekar Wada, Dane Aali in Pune. On the very first day 18 girls enrolled their names. Within just a week the number increased to 45. Since the place could not accommodate the increasing number of students, some classes were held in Kibe Wada.
In 1885, Dhundiraj Chintaman alias Tatyasaheb Patwardhan, ruler of erstwhile princely state of Sangli offered his land on Laxmi Road on lease for 99 years. The foundation stone of the building was laid by Sir James Fergusson on 4th March 1885. In the course of time the M.G.E. Society purchased this land.
In 1887 the Society changed its name and became Maharashtra Female Education Society. Soon Hujurpaga High School commenced in Pune. Later again the name of the Society was changed to Maharashtra Girls Education Society. Gradually M.G.E. Society spread its wings and established various schools in the same campus on Laxmi Road. In order to offer hostel facility to outstation students, in 1907 the spacious building was built that included excellent boarding facility as well. The Primary School was established in a separate building in 1978. The primary section was named after renowned mathematician Wranglar R. P. Paranjape. Hujurpaga Mahila Vanijya Mahavidyalay - Commerce College of the M.G.E. Society started its activities in 2001.
The Society started another branch of Hujurpaga at Katraj, on the outskirts of Pune. Initially in 1991 only nursery and pre-primary school started at this campus. In 1993 the primary section, in 1996 the secondary section and in 2004 the higher secondary section came into being. In 2011, vocational courses (MCVC) commenced under the aegis of higher secondary section.
With the initial enrollment of 18 students in 1884, today the number of students from various sections of Maharashtra Girls Education Society, Hujurpaga has risen to 10,000. All the sections strive hard to shape their students as responsible persons, cultured citizens and self-reliant, empowered women. To keep pace with the changing times and to mitigate the challenges posed by the winds of change M.G.E. Society established English Medium Schools at Laxmi Road Campus in June 2010 and also at Katraj campus in June 2011. In spite of commencement of English Medium Schools, response to Marathi Medium is not at all adversely affected.
We are proud today that students of Hujurpaga are shining bright in all walks of life. Their unmatched performance in various fields like literature, music, theatre, sports, research, politics etc. is adding to the glory of the school. No doubt, the legacy will continue for many more centuries...
Vision & Mission
Girls are the backbone of our future families and ultimately of our society. We as an institute are aware that giving academic education to the girls is not enough. It has to be supported by various experiences which help them to develop their personalities. They should feel confident on the playground. They should become aware of society problems. They need to come in contact with the great personalities in the present society like writers, social workers, artists, scientists and knowledgeable people. These girls are the future of our world so we need to give them roots and the wings. Roots means values and vision and Wings means never ending enthusiasm, creativity and tradition on them. We wish to lead them on the way of independent thoughts. They are the source of tremendous joy and hope of humanity. We not only love them but we respect them. We are aware that the number of girls coming to us and the activities to them are going to grow but with that material growth we wish to grow Qualitatively too.
For this growth we have planned projects as
- Post Graduate Programs like M.Com, MCA, MBA Etc.
- Courses for Foreign languages as well as Indian languages
- Vocational Training Courses
- Cultural Courses such as singing, Dancing, Acting etc.
विद्यमान नियामक मंडळ सदस्य (२०२५-२६)
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Bio data / Profile of Member
- Smt. Shalini W. Patil
- Himani Gokhale - Bugde
- Smt. Rekha Palshikar
- Mr. Vilas Patil
- Smt. Usha Wagh
- Dr. (Mrs.) Sushama Keskar

Smt. Shalini W Patil
Name: Smt. Shalini W Patil
Educational Qualification:
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
Professional Experience
- Since 3rd January 2023: Working As President, MGES, Huzurpaga, Pune.
- Since 17th June 2017: Worked As Joint Secretary, MGES, Huzurpaga, Pune.
- Since 2013: Governing Council Member, MGES, Huzurpaga, Pune.
- Since 2010: General Body Member, MGES, Huzurpaga, Pune.
- 1980 - 2010: Was in Teaching Profession, KVP Sanstha, Shirpur, Dist Dhule.

Himani Gokhale - Bugde
Name: Himani Gokhale - Bugde
Educational Qualification:
B. Com.
Special courses in Banking , Finance & Foreign Exchange conducted by:
- Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
- National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM)
- Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
- National Securities Depositary Ltd (NSDL)
- Wells Fargo (Hongkong)
Professional Experience:
Working as Vice President, MGES, Huzurpaga, Pune, from January 2020
Attended & participated in various national & international seminars in Treasury Management & Non-Banking functions of Indian Banks
35 years experience in banking & retired as Joint Managing Directer
Presently engaged in family business of bakery & confectionery as entrepreneur

Smt. Rekha Palshikar
Name: Rekha Palshikar
Educational Qualifications: MA, M Ed
Retired Vice Principal, Fergusson College.
Professional Experience:
- Teaching: 34 years. (Political Science) Junior College, Fergusson College, Pune
- Contributory teacher for Liberal Learning Course at COEP
- Contributory teacher for Geopolitics course at JRVJTI
- Administration:
1) Supervisor - 11 years.
2) Vice Principal - 4 years
3) In Charge of centralized admission committee for Jr. Colleges for Pune & Pimpari Chinchvad area - 3 Years - Examination Work:
1) Examiner for HSC Board
2) Paper setter
3) Scrutiny of Board Papers ,etc - Academic Head in MIT for the course –MIT-SOG (School Of Government) 2013- 2014
- Guidance:
1) to the teachers (all over Maharashtra, Goa & Bangalore) for M.T.S. and N.T.S Examination.
2) to the students (all over Maharashtra, Goa & Bangalore) for M.T.S. and N.T.S Examination. - Guidance : To the Students for UPSC and MPSC Examination
- Chairman Board of Studies: Political Science (2009-13)
- Author & Coordinator for 10th Political science text book published by HSC Board.
- Author & Coordinator for 12th Political science text book published by HSC Board.
- Author for 11th & 12th Political science text book published by private publisher.
- Author for F.Y.B.A text Book of YCMOU
- Resource person for teachers training for senior scale and selection grade.
- Member of coordination committee of SCF 2010 (State Curriculum Framework)
- Secretary : Maharashtra Girls Education Society (Since 2013 till 2021)
- Chairman : Maharashtra Girls Education Society (Since 2021 till Dec 2022)
- Secretary : Maharashtra Girls Education Society (since Jan 2023 till today)

Shri. Vilas Patil
Name: Shri. Vilas Patil
Education Qualifications
- BSc. B.Ed. (Pune University)
- Dip. V. G. (Diploma in Vocational Guidance)
Professional Experience
- Teaching experience : 30 year (Mathematics & Science)
- Examination Work:
1) Examiner for SSC Board - More than 10 Term
2) Paper setter: Maharashtra State Council of Examination N.T.S. and N.M.M.S. from 10 year. - State Council of Educational Research and Training Pune (SCERT) -
- Guidance and Counselling:
1) To the Student for std. 10 & 12. (2006 -2015)
2) Worked on Helpline Counselling Program (2016 &2017)
- Resource Person for teachers training for sciences std. 9th & 10th
Awarded by The Globe Program as a Globe Teacher - Sky Observation in Global Environmental Initiatives It was registered at the international level and was awarded a certificate of honor through the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India. ( 2002 - 2004 )

Smt. Usha Wagh
Name: Smt. Usha Wagh
Educational Qualification
- B.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Sc. (Mathematics) - Shivaji University, Kolhapur (stood first in both exams.)
- National Merit Scholar
- Diploma in Business Management (D.B.M.)
- Stood first at 1st to 3rd Sanskrit examinations- T. M. V. Pune
Professional Experience
- Maharashtra Girls' Education Society, Huzurpaga (contributed the service as a member, treasurer, vice-president, President and now as the Chief Trustee)
- Teaching experience for 17 years in Senior College - Mathematics and Statistics (for BSc, B.Com and MSc Biomathematics)
- Guided students appearing for entrance examination of IIT.
- President- Sarvesham Seva Sangh(orphanage for girls)
- President- Samata Shikshan Sanstha (Educational Trust working for VJ/NT students)
- Publisher- Sugava Prakashan, Pune (was awarded Vi. Pu. Bhagwat Puraskar for remarkable book publishing)
- Received Lokmanya Tilak Memorial Award for excellence in Mathematics (1966).
- Was awarded Shramaseva Puraskar by YCMOU, Nasik.
- Conducted various workshops and seminars for Christain Dalits, Muslims, Dalit Mahila Forum
Dr. (Mrs.) Sushama Keskar
Dr. (Mrs.) Sushama Keskar has been working in academics for the last forty-two years. She retired as Principal of SNDT Arts and Commerce College for Women, Pune, in December 2012. Since her retirement in 2012, she is working as a professional counsellor handling all sorts of counselling cases, including marital and family counselling. For last more than five years she has been handling counselling cases in various areas at her private office in the city of Pune. She is the President of Association of Marital Counselors, Pune.
Dr. Keskar has done her M. Com. from the Brihan Maharashtra College of commerce, (BMCC) Pune. She has also done her M. A. (Counselling Psychology). She has completed a specialized course in marital counselling. She is also University topper in the order of merit at the Master of Management Science (M.M.S.) Examination held by the then University of Pune, in June 1998. She also holds a Ph.D. in Management of University of Pune. She was a recipient of Open Merit scholarship throughout the undergraduate studies (1971-73), National Scholarship for Post – Graduate studies (1973-75) and Junior Research Fellowship of the University Grants Commission for Doctoral studies (1975-79).
She has a vast teaching experience at undergraduate, and at post graduate level, and has held the position of Principal of the SNDT Arts and Commerce College for about 6 years. She was a member of various Committees of the SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, and the then University of Pune, Pune. She has participated in number of national and international Conferences and presented research papers in them. She has been to Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and USA on study assignments and conferences.
She is a recognized Research Guide in Commerce and Management at SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai and Bharti Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune. So far ten scholars have been awarded Ph.D. under her guidance. She had refereed and continues to referee Ph.D. theses of candidates from various universities.
She has been a visiting faculty at various Management Institutes in Pune in the subject of Marketing. She has delivered lectures at Refresher and Orientation Courses sponsored by UGC, at the then University of Pune, Pune and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. She has conducted Management Development Programs in the areas of Team Building and Marketing for Commercial establishments and NGOs.
She has to her credit five text books, one book on Career guidance and also a literary contribution in the form of a collection of poems in Marathi. Articles authored by her have been published in leading newspapers, magazines and journals. She has translated in Marathi a world renowned classic authored by the legendary Management expert Dr. C. K. Prahalad titled “Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid” which has been published by Pearson. Also, Dr. Keskar has authored and participated in various programs including talk shows on subjects of women empowerment on All India Radio.
She was awarded SNDT Women’s University’s Dr. H. V. Inamdar Best Teacher Prize for bringing laurels to the University in the years 1998. She was also felicitated by the Pune Municipal Corporation on 15th August 1999 at the hands of Hon. Mayor of Pune. She was conferred upon the Vocational Excellence Rotary Award by the Rotary Club of Pune Fortune. She is Chairperson of Shejwalkar Education Society and also Chairperson of Poona Divisional Productivity Council.
She is associated with many educational and charitable organizations, in the capacity of Member of Governing Body / Managing Committee such as Adarsh Shikshan Mandali, Pune, and Maharashtra Girl’s Education Society, (Huzurpaga) Pune. She is a Member of Mahila Dakshata Samitee of Pune Police and a member of Internal Complaints Committee of various private sector companies, Nationalized Banks (including Bank of Maharashtra), and National Educational and Research Institutes. She is working as Student Counselor for post graduate students in some renowned institutes. She conducts PoSH Awareness Programs that are mandatory under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013.